0-18 Months
18-36 Months
3-5 Years
K-5th Grade
Our teachers are experienced and caring professionals who are experts in their field. We searched far and wide to find THE BEST educators to teach our students.
Blooming Brains Academy values parents and our program is designed to meet your needs, as well as your child’s needs. We pride ourselves on customer service and effective communication. We are here for you!
Rajeshri Gandhi Bhatia is a distinguished educational leader with over 25 years of experience, spanning both teaching as well as school leadership. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Michigan and a Master’s Degree in School Leadership with Principal Certification from Harvard University. Rajeshri’s career has included founding a successful charter school in Chicago, serving in key leadership positions in various K-12 private schools, and creating innovative programs in advanced education and virtual learning. Rajeshri's expertise extends to high-level recruitment, networking, and consulting, and she has contributed significantly to educational policy and practice. Currently, she is realizing her dream after founding Blooming Brains Academy that embodies her extensive experience and high standards as a parent and educator.